Azeem Azhar posted this comment and I am bringing it forward because I think it is an interesting point to debate. The ethics and knowledge workshop touched on this very subject. More later.
"Can you teach ethics? B-schools 'teach entrepreneurialism' which is an exercise in adverse selection. Entrepreneurs, surely, have already headed out to be entrepreneurial.
Similarly, is ethics something to be taught (like a vocational skill) or is it an introduction to a process of disputation - that is something philosophical?
As I write this I wonder about the ethics of business people I know. And the range from the totally unethical, to those who appear ethical but are in fact simply rule-followers (that is they slavish follow and exploit rules) to the ethical (who may break some rules or not exploit loopholes because they don't seem to be right).
For business folk, don't we just need to teach rule following ?