For many young people, who have been used to keeping online diairies so that their family and friends can keep track of their activities, going into the workforce after graduation might have some traumatic consequences - and then maybe not.
Many of these graduates do not realise that posting information about what goes on inside a company is not allowed. Many companies have not yet put policies in place about blogging at work or blogging about work. And so when the confrontation comes, it can be something of a shock. Some new employees see the company's point of view, and become more discrete in their blogs, and some believe that they are not identified by their job and that their personal lives come first. And then they get fired. But several of these "tell all" types have actually gone on to write books or become independent, and there is beginning to be a recognition that this might be a way to fame (and fortune ?). I see a culture clash coming with corporations' human resource policies and young people's expectations... More on the subject in this article from the New York Times.