About this blog

  • Thinking Ethics was a project launched in Geneva to foster the debate about ethics. A few friends, fed up with only reading about abuses in the media, decided to hold a forward-looking seminar on five subjects: ethics and performance, ethics and knowledge, ethics and consciousness, ethics and disobedience and ethics in real time. If moral has to do with right and wrong, then ethics is its application in society. We believe that people need to talk about the subject to determine the level of ethics they want. The book Thinking Ethics, a result of the seminar, is to start the discussion. This blog is a contribution to the conversation.


  • Andrea Spencer-Cooke
  • Pascal Marmier
  • Kelly Richdale
  • Stephen Whittle
  • Steve Bowbrick
  • Beth Krasna

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June 14, 2006



From Times (London), The Game p.15 15th June 2006:

While Fifa pushes to eradicate foul play, ITV [a national UK TV station] pundits continue to back cloggers and cheats. Yesterday Ukraine defender Vladislav Vashchuk was sent off for impeding Spain's Fernando Torres by tugging his shorts as he bore down on goal. The formality of a red card was not accepted on ITV, however. "A scandalous decision," concluded Peter Drury before Andy Townsend, who accepted it was a foul, claimed the player should not have been sent off because his team were going to lose.

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